Skin Diaries: A Huge Disappointment

Yes, it has been a very disappointing week. My breakouts from last week seem to have carried over (as I thought they would) and haven’t really improved much as the week has gone on. Still a lot of active breakouts and redness and sensitivity. All round, a very shit week.



Not skin-wise anyway. I did find (through Abby Roberts on Instagram) a very cute shop that sells tea called Tea Pigs. They sell a selection of herbal and fruit teas, but the main reason I bought from them is that they sell Matcha Turmeric Latte sachets!

I have been dying to try Matcha for a while as it’s a natural source of caffeine and I know how bad coffee can be for the skin. I already like having the Golden Turmeric Latte recommended by Beauty Within, it just takes a bit of effort to make and sometimes the turmeric doesn’t really mix well.

BUT THESE SACHETS! They are amazing I had one today and it tastes so nice. They put matcha, turmeric and some liquorice root in it and it tastes so good. I have it with almond milk and because they added the liquorice root it actually makes it taste like normal milk. So happy I found them, I think I will be buying them for the rest of my LIFE and they are only a FIVER. Tea Pigs sell other combinations of Matcha sachets too, like cocoa and just matcha on its own.



I have been completely breaking out all week and it does not seem to be getting better. It was quite a strange breakout, though as the redness never seemed to die down and the spots just stayed there or just kept coming back. My forehead was SO itchy as well. My face was basically uncomfortable for the whole week and nothing I was doing seemed to be helping.

I am struggling to understand why my skin could be kicking off so much. it could be the fact that I slept in makeup a few weeks ago and I am only feeling the effects now. It could be that my period (that finished a few days ago) has really messed up my skin. It could be that the new cleanser I am using just isn’t helping at all.

The spots were very painful. I thought at one point I wasn’t going to be able to sleep on my face but it was later confirmed that I was being dramatic. As the spots are so painful, I am more inclined to believe that it might have something to do with my hormones and period. Especially as they arrived in kind of clusters and were so red.

My mood has definitely been lower this week regarding self-esteem as my skin has got worse and not better. I think this is normal, especially as I haven’t felt too badly about the condition of my skin to date, I just think the frustrations of doing everything right and having the perfect and most safe products and it still not being enough to help. Also, I have been more stressed this week so that hasn’t helped.

Wearing makeup is quite difficult, because I don’t want to cover up the acne and give it any chance to flare up again, but I also have been breaking out so much that I can’t look at myself without foundation and think I look nice. I tried to wear the pimple patches underneath my foundation (I can explain the glitter; festival theme), because I really thought they might actually look seamless underneath and no one would be able to tell. But that really didn’t work and everyone could tell. So back to the not-wearing-foundation drawing board I went.

My mood has improved today a bit, just because I think I have identified that it is a problem and I am actively doing things to rectify that like going to the doctors. I have also taken my day and night routine down a level and returned to products that I trust and have used for years. Instead of using the Fresh Soy Face Cleanser, I have started (literally today) using the CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser, as I know its a trustworthy and gentle way to cleanse my face. I have also started using Hyaluronic Acid serum and then following up with my Niacinamide serum morning and night, removing the Freshly Juiced Vitamin C serum until my skin chills out.

The pictures below are TWO weeks apart. I really thought my skin was getting better and now it’s honestly worse than it was when I thought it was at its worst. Looking back through my pictures, however, I definitely noticed that my skin got a lot worse this time last month (when I was on my period) so I really hope this is just my hormones trying their best to level out and get back to normal. This could take six months, so a long time, but last week marks my second month, not on hormonal contraception,

P.S. I didn’t touch my face at least TWO DAYS out of seven this week so I am proud of myself. Baby steps.


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Skin Diaries: Look How Fast it Went Downhill

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Skin Diaries: From Bad to a lot Worse

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Skin Diaries: A Devastating, Self-Induced Low

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Skin Diaries: An Extremely Rough Start

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